拿城教会将于 8 月 20 日在 Camp Monadnock, Jaffrey, NH(https://berea.org/facilitymonadnock/)举办为期一天的全教会的退修会。在经历了两年多的疫情生活后,教会大家庭(包括成人、青少年和儿童)将再次有机会一起来到野外的营地,思考我们的基督信仰。此次退修会的主题是“荣耀的恩召”,包括培灵交流和福音分享两部分,并有多项户外的活动。
袁正中弟兄(chengcyuan@yahoo.com, 603-930-4730)
章秀花姐妹(sue404xzhang@gmail.com, 603-732-3822)
Brothers and Sisters,
Peace in Christ!
CBCGN will hold a church retreat on 8/20/2022 at Camp Monadnock, Jaffrey, NH (https://berea.org/facilitymonadnock/). After more than two years of pandemic life, the whole church family (including adults, youth, and children) will once again have an opportunity to come to the campsite to strengthen our Christian faith altogether. The theme of this retreat is The Glorious Calling. It includes two parts: Spiritual Formation and Gospel Sharing. We will also have a lot of outdoor activities.
Attached please see the registration form, which contains all the registration details. Please download the form and sign up for it at your earliest convenience. Please submit the completed registration form and check to the following retreat co-workers:
Brother James Yuan (chengcyuan@yahoo.com, 603-930-4730)
Sister Xiuhua Zhang (sue404xzhang@gmail.com, 603-732-3822)
Please reserve 8/20 and try to invite your friends who are seekers to join this retreat. We ask each of you to fully support and participate in this event. Let’s come together and think about how we can rebuild ourselves and our church in the post-pandemic future. Thank you!
CBCGN Church Council