2023 年长老执事提名委员会委员: 赵汉光牧师、杨一冲长老、易丹弟兄。
2023 Elder and Deacon Nomination Committee: Pastor Hann Chao, Elder Yichong Yang, Brother Dan Yi
请弟兄姐妹根据圣经的教导(提前 3:8-13)和教会章程的规定,并参见以下备注,推选1 名长老和 3-4 名执事候选人如下。
Please follow the teaching of the bible (1 Tim 3:8-13), church bylaw and following instruction to nominate 1 elder and 3-4 deacon candidates.
备注:请大家不要提名教会现任长老和执事,以及卸任执事,他们均不属 2023 年长老和执事候选人。卸任的职位包括财务、总务和团契,大家提名时,可以此作为参考。
Note: Please do not nominate active church elder, deacon or those deacons who finish their tenure this year. Following is a list of active church elder, deacon and those deacon who finish their tenure this year.
现任长老&总务执事 Active Elder & Property Deacon : 杨一冲 Yichong Yang
现任执事 Active Deacons: 蒋晶洁 Jingjie Jiang(教育 Education)、章秀花 Xiuhua Zhang(儿童 Children)、宋群Qun Song(青少年 Youth)、袁正中 James Yuan(宣教 Missionary)、吴维玮 Weiwei Wu(行政 Administrative)、程新权 Xinquan Cheng(敬拜 Worship)
卸任执事 Deacons who finish their tenure this year: 易丹 Dan Yi(财务 Finance)、艾宇慧 Yuhui Ai(团契Fellowship)